Source Installation

Pre-requisites for installation:

  1. Python >= 3.7 with pip and virtualenv installed
  2. MySQL
  3. Linux based OS prefered.


  1. Clone the repository to your machine.
  2. In the MySQL console, run the following commands as the root user:
mysql> CREATE USER 'iqps_admin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'pwd';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON iqps.* TO 'iqps_admin'@'%';
mysql> CREATE DATABASE iqps;

Replace iqps_admin and pwd with whatever database username and password you want to give.

  1. In the repo directory, execute:
$ python3 -m virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Go to Click on Enable Drive API then click Create in the modal. It will generate a credentials.json file. Move it to iqps/conf folder inside the repo.
  2. Now open a python shell (remember to be in the same virtual environment as above) in the iqps directory inside the repo and run:
>>> from upload.google_connect import connect
>>> connect()

An authentication window will open in browser, accept all risks and allow everything.

  1. Now in Google Drive top-level directory, open a new folder called (for example) iqps_static. This is where the uploaded question papers go.
  2. Copy app.env.template to app.env in iqps/conf.
  3. Fill out the app.env. The field names are intuitive. Set MODE=dev for Development, MODE=prod for Production. Create 2 new directories with paths say path1/ and path2/. And set STATIC_ROOT=path1/ and LOG_PATH=path2/iqps.log. These are where your static files and logs will go respectively in production, should you decide to serve the static files independently. Set HOSTNAME=localhost or our IP address. Set SECRET_KEY to some random long string.
  4. Now to migrate all the database tables, go to the iqps/ directory inside the repo. Then run:
$ python migrate --skip-checks
  1. Let’s create the admin for the website now. Run:
$ python createsuperuser

The website is now ready. You can launch it via:

$ python runserver

Moving to production

To use this setup to production, in app.env set MODE=prod. Then copy all your local files to the production server. Set up the STATIC_ROOT and LOG_PATH directories there. Then run:

$ python collectstatic

Setup a server like Apache or Nginx to serve the webapp. Add configuration there to serve the static files under webapp_root_url/static URL.