
If you are installing on Windows then it is recommended to first install Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL). Then install Linux distribution of your choice. Rest of the steps are same as for installing it on a Linux machine.

Installation can be easily done using Docker.

Source Installation is a lengthy process, the notes for the same are here.

To install with Docker, first install git, Docker-CE and docker-compose (Install scripts work only on Unix based systems)

Follow the steps given in the official website of Docker. This varies from OS to OS.

Although, it is advisable not to use the default docker versions available in your OS’s repos, unless the Docker docs tell you to do so.

Once everything is installed, follow the following steps:


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd iqps
  2. Go to Click on Enable Drive API then click Create after selecting Desktop App in the modal. It will generate a credentials.json file. Move it to iqps/conf folder inside the repo.

  3. Now in Google Drive top-level directory, open a new folder called (for example) iqps_static. This is where the uploaded question papers go.

  4. Run the install script for the first time:


Use sudo with the above command if there is an error executing the above command.

This will ask for app permissions. Sign in with the account you used in step-3. Accept all risks.

  1. You can move the project folder to the intended app server now, or (for development) you can keep it in the local machine. Run the install script FOR THE SECOND TIME. Provide the details as asked.

  2. Wait till the logs look like following:

    db_1   | 2020-05-25 16:37:33 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
    db_1   | Version: '10.4.12-MariaDB-1:10.4.12+maria~bionic'  socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306 binary distribution

Then kill the process by hitting CTRL+C.

  1. Run the initialization script. It will ask for creation of super-user account:

  2. Run (and daemonize) the app by executing:

    docker-compose up -d

Use sudo docker-compose up -d if there is a problem executing the above command. #. You can also stop the service by running:

docker-compose down

The next step is to configure a Server eg, Apache or Nginx to act as a Reverse-Proxy and serve the static files.

However, if you want to bring up a development system, setting up a server is unnecessary. To do that, while the server is down, change MODE=prod to MODE=dev in iqps/conf/app.env. Also, in docker-compose.yml change the line command: gunicorn iqps.wsgi -w 4 -b --access-logfile /var/log/iqps/gunicorn.log to command: python runserver